6 Best Beginner Metal Detectors 2020

A chest full of gold and jewels is an attractive image to anyone – unfortunately, a Pirates of the Caribbean level treasure is probably not just going to materialize in your backyard. A quality metal detector allows you to live out some of your treasure hunting aspirations, whether you’re looking for old coins, lost gold […]
6 Best Cheap Radar Detectors 2020

If you spend a lot of time driving and like to get to places quickly then you’ll likely be driving at (or above) the speed limit on most days. It’s so easy to get caught nowadays with the huge increase in speed cameras and red light cameras installed along major highways. Most officers carry a […]
Best Metal Detector for Gold 2020

“There’s gold in dem dar Hills” according to the old movies, and there certainly is! There could also be gold in your back garden (unlikely if you live in a city) or somewhere in the locality. But how can you find it? Unfortunately, there are no treasure maps on the general sale with a large […]
Best Radar Detector Under $100 of 2020

The best radar detector under $100 is one that is just as effective as the more expensive options without the high price tag. This might mean sacrificing some added features or quality of the screen but the detecting capabilities of the equipment should always remain intact. We have come up with a list of some […]
Best Radar Detector under $200 of 2020

It is probably pointless to point out to somebody looking to buy a radar detector that breaking the speed limit is against the law. Even knowing it is illegal, many motorists still tend to “bend” the rules of the road to their own needs, and driving “just a little” over the speed limit is hardly […]
10 Best Metal Detectors 2020

Buying a metal detector means either you have lost something or you are looking to join the hunt for treasure. In either case, getting the best metal detector is a must if you want to find things effectively. The difficulty that comes with buying your first metal detector is really in choosing which one is […]
10 Best Radar Detectors 2020

Speed limits are often difficult to adhere to when driving down long straight roads such as highways. However, police officers do not provide much wiggle room when it comes to respecting speed limits and their great hiding skills prevent us from noticing them until it’s too late. That’s where radar detectors come into play. Using […]